The lesson #3 – The positive effect of the wind tunnel flow for people with disabilities with ortopedic disorders

This Thursday, the third lesson in the wind tunnel was held for the guys from the group «Little flyers» as part of the project «#To_Fly_Light». The group of participants is selected from females and males with the same form of children cerebral palsy over 18 years old, in the process we study and record the positive effect of the air flow on the physical body. The project is supported by the physiotherapy and sports medicine doctor Anastasia Yudina and 6th-year student of the Institute of Clinical Medicine Elizaveta Vericheva. The entire process is managed and supervised by the Tyumen State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia represented by the head of the department of medical prevention and rehabilitation – Professor Elena F. Turovinina. The coach who learn our group of flyers to fly is the Tyumen Region Champion in the wind tunnel sport discipline «Wind tunnel-acrobatics-group-2» – Andrey Nezemnoy. During the lesson before and after the flights, the doctors take diffferent medical measurements. The guys are flying great and learn new flying elements.
The project works in a partnership with the Aerodynamic Complex «FlyFamily», Tyumen, Russia and the «Federation of Parachute Sports of the Tyumen Region»
The head of the project is Anna Mirkina, Russia, the city of Tyumen.
What’s Аpp/Telegram +79224727494
e-mail: annamirkina@yandex.ru
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