The lesson #6 – Flight training and progress in reducing muscle tone

There were happend the 6th flying meeting of the «To Fly Light» social project this week. The project involves 10 participants with the same form of children cerebral palsy diagnosis. Before flight in a wind tunnel and right after a flight two excellent doctors, the doctor of physical therapy and sports medicine, Anastasia Yudina, and a 6th-year student of the Institute of Clinical Medicine, Elizaveta Vericheva make measurements of special orthopedic medical indicators.
The all the proсess of «To Fly Light» project is under the supervision of the professor doctor the head of the department of medical prevention and rehabilitation, Professor Elena F. Turovinina. The research is being conducted by the Tyumen State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. At the end of each lesson, the participants show progress in reducing muscle tone. The all results are recorded. After the end of the study our doctors from the Tyumen Medical University have plan to take part in a scientific medical conference in Moscow with the medical results about the effect of a wind tunnel fly on body for people with disabilities with orthopedic disorders. During the 6th lesson, the guys learned to fly again. The all participants have the different dynamic of flying susses. At the end of the lesson, the head coach of the project Andrey Nezemnoy spontaneously gathered the guys and started to tell them the aerodynamic rules, so the flying students could understand and correct their body positions in a flow.
Partners of the project are the wind tunnel «FlyFamily», Tyumen, Russia and the «Tyumen Region Parachuting Federation»
The head of the project «To Fly Light» is Anna Mirkina, Russia, the city of Tyumen
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e-mail: annamirkina@yandex.ru
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