The lesson # 5 – How wind tunnel fly heals the soul and body

This week, the 5th lesson of the social project «To Fly Light» was held by the Little Flyers group. The project contains the course of flying exercises in a wind tunnel. The 10 participants with the same form of children cerebral palsy diagnosis under the control of processional flying instructor make exercises in a wind flow. The guys are supervised and their medical indicators are measured by two doctors – a resident in physical therapy and sports medicine Anastasia Yudina and a student of the Institute of Clinical Medicine Elizaveta Vericheva under the guidance of the head of the department of medical prevention and rehabilitation – professor Elena F. Turovinina. Research is conducted on the basis of the Tyumen State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The every lesson our participants show success in reducing muscle tone. All the results are recorded again.
Partners of the project are the wind tunnel «FlyFamily», Tyumen, Russia and the «Tyumen Region Parachuting Federation»
The head of the project «To Fly Light» is Anna Mirkina, Russia, the city of Tyumen
What’s Аpp/Telegram +79224727494
e-mail: annamirkina@yandex.ru
Instagram: @annamirkina